Call for Papers 16 th -Century French Literature for MLA Convention Chicago 2014 For the 129 th MLA Annual Convention in Chicago, 9-12 January 2014, the MLA Division of Sixteenth-Century French Literature is soliciting proposals for the following panels and roundtable: 1. Cognitive Approaches to French Renaissance Literature . What can cognitive science tell us about literature, and literature about cognitive science? Case studies in the French Renaissance. Please send title and abstract for a 20-minute presentation to Andrea Frisch ( ) by March 15, 2013 . 2. Renaissance Cosmopolitanism. Poetics, politics, and/or philosophies of being home all over the world, as seen from the world of sixteenth-century France. Please send title and abstract for a 20-minute presentation to Andrea Frisch ( ) by March 15, 2013 . 3. Roundtable on the Renaissance Mediterranean. Current research on the early modern Mediterranean. Comparativist proposals, focus on the Mediterranean as a concept and analytic paradigm particularly welcome. Please send title and abstract for a 7-10min intervention to Andrea Frisch ( ) and Marcus Keller ( ) by March 15, 2013 .