Human and Social Studies (HSS) journal is an open-access, peer reviewed and refereed journal published by the Department of Interdisciplinary Research in Social-Human Sciences of the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania. The main objective of HSS is to provide a special place for researchers interested in developing interdisciplinary studies in both social sciences and humanities. The journal has a good international reputation and circulation, being diffused to all the partner universities and research centres, as well as to libraries and databases known all over the world. HSS publishes interdisciplinary studies from the following fields: linguistics, philosophy, economics, psychology, public administration, cultural anthropology, communication studies, law, business studies, cross-cultural studies, political sciences, religion, literature and so on. HSS is focused on publishing original papers, case studies, empirical research, and book reviews. The main sections of the journal are: Ideas in Agora, Signs and Meanings, Jacobb’s Ladder, Book Reviews and Presentations. All submissions should be sent online to .Deadline: 1 February 2015