Channel: Fabula, la recherche en littérature
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One Hundred Years of Jealousy: Homage to Swann

Registration i s now open for th is New College Symposium organized with teh support of the Society for French Studies. By revisiting one of the major themes and central figures of Proust's A la recherche du temps perdu , th e symposium wishes to celebrate the centenary of the publication of Du côté de chez Swann . The speakers include renowned Proust specialists as well as postgraduate students from all over Europe and the papers offer a broad range of exciting approaches to jealousy in and after Proust, in life, literature, and film, including - jealousy as a literary theme and narrative device from the Middle Ages to the Nouveau Roman - the psychology and metaphysics of jealousy, love triangles - the roles and representation of jealousy in the Proustian novel andthe figure of Swann - Proustian influence on later representations of love and jealousy (Radiguet, Robbe-Grillet, Claude Simon) - jealousy in life and writing (Proust and Agostinelli, Gide and Cocteau) - queer, male and female jealousy Programme Friday 31 st May 8.30-8.45: Registration 8.45-8.50: Welcome and Opening 8.50-9.50: Keynote 1: Rainer Warning (University of Munich), ‘ Les feux tournants de la jalousie ’: Jealousy as theme and narrative strategy in Proust´s Recherche (Chair: Ann Jefferson, New College, Oxford) 9.50-10.05: Coffee break 10.05-12.05: Panel Session 1: The Signs of Jealousy (Chair: Jennifer Yee, Christ Church, Oxford) Daniele Garritano (Università degli Studi di Siena and Université de Paris 8 Vincennes - Saint-Denis), L’’instrument optique‘ de la jalousie Isabelle Serça (Université de Toulouse-le Mirail), Discours de la jalousie: la loquèle du Narrateur Amineh Moradi Maram (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris III) and Mina Darabi Amin (Univrsité de Tabriz), Proustian jealousy: a 'transcendental' stupidity Áine Larkin (University of Aberdeen), Material Objects and the Green-Eyed Monster in À la recherche du temps perdu 12.10-13.10: Lunch 13.10-14.10: Keynote 2: Candida Yates (University of East London), Swann and the Swoon Factor: Fantasies of Masculine jealousy and Swann at the Cinema (Chair TBC) 14.10-15.40: Panel Session 2: The Ethics and Metaphysics of Jealousy (Chair TBC) Christina Kkona (Hellenic American University, Athens), Jealous love/loving jealousy in the Recherche Stéphane Chaudier (Université Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne), Sympathy or Irony? Proustian Jealousy and the Complexity of Ethics Michel Arouimi (Université du Littoral), La catharsis de la violence dans l’art de Proust 15.40-16.00: Coffee Break 16.00-18.00: Panel Session 3: Eternal Jealousy: from the Middle Ages to the Nouveau Roman (Chair: Stéphane Chaudier, Université Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne) Jennifer Rushworth (Worcester College, Oxford), Proust and the torments of fin’ amor Audrey Giboux (Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand), Le traitement de la jalousie dans les romans de Raymond Radiguet: modernités de l’écriture moraliste Thanh-Vân Ton-That (Université Paris-Est Créteil), Figures du voyeurisme et de la jalousie: Robbe-Grillet lecteur de Proust Yona Hanhart (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris III and Tel-Aviv University), (D’)Après Proust: Le travail de la jalousie: Jalousie et économie romanesque dans La Bataille de Pharsale de Claude Simon 18.15-19.00: Evensong in New College Chapel 19.30: Conference Dinner (venue TBC) Saturday 1st June 8.45-9.45: Keynote 3 : Philippe Chardin (Université de Tours – ITEM Équipe Proust) , ‘Cette chose effrayante et délicieuse....’: Pornoféérie et pornotorture dans Du côté de chez Swann (Chair: Erika Fülöp, New College, Oxford) 9.45-10.45: Panel Session 4: Jealousy from Life to Literature Jean-Marc Quaranta (ITEM, Paris), La jalousie à l’œuvre: Alfred Agostinelli et les corrections de «Swann» en 1913 Maja Vukušić Zorica (University of Zagreb), André Gide, Jean Cocteau: Les dangers de la jalousie 10.45-11.00: Coffee Break 11.00-12.30: Panel Session 5: Jealousy, Self, and the Other(s) (Chair: Áine Larkin, University of Aberdeen) Kathy McIlvenny (University of Chester), Jealousy and empathy: a Proustian symbiosis? Yasmine Richardson (Merton College, Oxford), Jealousy and Awkwardness in ‘Un Amour de Swann’ Donatien Grau (New College, Oxford), The Impossible Jealousy, or Why Jealousy Cannot Exist in Proustian Love 12.30: Closing Remarks For practical information and registration please refer to the symposium website: http://100yearsofjealousy.weebly.com/ Given the limited number of available places, early booking is recommended. With any queries please contact the organizer, Erika Fülöp at erika.fulop@new.ox.ac.uk .

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