FLS , n°XXXIX, 2012 : "The Environment" EAN 9789042036130. 176p. Prix USD75,90 Présentation de l'éditeur : Volume 39 of FLS French Literature Series features ten articles on the topic of the environment in French and Francophone Literature and Film. Contributors engage with the work of such authors, filmakers and cartoonists as Michel Serres, Luc Ferry, Patrice Nganang, Marie Darrieussecq, Yann-Arthus Bertrand and Plantu, and such topics as human zoos, eco-colonialism, queer theory, and the environmental catastrophes of WWI and, globally, of human civilization as recorded in the recent eco-documentary, HOME. Wide-ranging, provocative and topical these articles both broaden and deepen the efficacy of ecocriticism as a tool for enriching our understanding of the field beyond the English and American nature writing at the theory's core.