Seeing satire in the eighteenth century Sous la direction de Elizabeth C. Mansfield & Kelly Malone Oxford : Voltaire Foundation, coll."SVEC", 2013 EAN 9780729410632 320 p. Prix : £65 / 85EUR / $115 Présentation de l'éditeur : A moment in history when verbal satire, caricature, and comic performance exerted unprecedented influence on society, the Enlightenment sustained a complex, though now practically invisible, culture of visual humour. In Seeing satire in the eighteenth century contributors recapture the unique energy of comic images in the works of key artists and authors whose satirical intentions have been obscured by time. From a decoding of Charles-Germain de Saint-Aubin’s Livre de caricatures as a titillating jibe at royal and courtly figures, a reinterpretation of the man’s muff as an emblem of foreignness, foppishness and impotence, a reappraisal of F. X. Messerschmidt’s sculpted heads as comic critiques of Lavater’s theories of physiognomy, to the press denigration of William Wilberforce’s abolitionist efforts, visual satire is shown to extend to all areas of society and culture across Europe and North America. By analysing the hidden meaning of these key works, contributors reveal how visual comedy both mediates and intensifies more serious social critique. The power of satire’s appeal to the eye was as clearly understood, and as widely exploited in the Enlightenment as it is today. Includes over 80 illustrations. Contents: Elizabeth C. Mansfield and Kelly Malone, Introduction: seeing satire in the Age of Reason Emmanuel Schwartz, 1. Satire unmasked by reading Eric Rosenberg, 2. The impossibility of painting: the satiric inevitability of John Singleton Copley’s Boy with a squirrel Julie-Anne Plax, 3. Watteau’s witticisms: visual humor and sociability Emily Richardson, 4. ‘Tu n’as pas tout vü!’: seeing satire in the Saint-Aubin Livre de caricatures Melissa Lee Hyde, 5. Needling: embroidery and satire in the hands of Charles-Germain de Saint-Aubin Kimberly Chrisman-Campbell, 6. ‘He is not dressed without a muff’: muffs, masculinity, and la mode in English satire Trevor Burnard, 7. ‘A compound mongrel mixture’: racially coded humor, satire, and the denigration of white Creoles in the British Empire 1784-1834 Reva Wolf, 8. Seeing satire in the peepshow Steven Minuk, 9. Swift’s satire of vision Michael Yonan, 10. Messerschmidt, the Hogarth of sculpture Katherine Mannheimer, 11. Anatomizing print’s perils: Augustan satire’s textual bodies Marcus C. Levitt, 12. ‘Women’s wiles’ in Mikhail Chulkov’s The Comely cook List of illustrations Summaries Bibliography Index For further information on this book: http://xserve.volt.ox.ac.uk/VFcatalogue/details.php?recid=6542 To order this book or other Voltaire Foundation publications: http://www.voltaire.ox.ac.uk/www_vf/orders/orders.ssi